The 7 Best Probiotic Supplements
for a Happy Gut in 2024
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The best probiotics are in the house!
Do you experience uncomfortable bloating, stomach aches, intestinal cramps, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, or any other digestive problems, and nothing you do seems to help?
Time and time again you hope that your troubling gastrointestinal symptoms will just go away on their own.
But they don't. And if they do, it's never for long.
Maybe if you can just identify the exact right foods to eat at the exact right times, or avoid certain foods, or eat less, or eat more, or eat like a bird, it will all just eventually pass.
But it doesn't pass. And if it does, not for long.
You are definitely not alone.
Millions of people struggle every day with digestive issues, bowel problems, and a lack of good bacteria in the gut, and are helped tremendously by taking probiotics.
I was one of them, so I know exactly how you feel.
And because I have thoroughly traveled that road and discovered some great solutions, I am able to offer you hope and share with you what has worked so well for me and countless others.
Further below I will share seven of the absolute best probiotic supplements for a happy gut, all backed by countless positive user experiences and testimonials.
I have personally used all of them with great success, and the first three I have been taking daily for over twenty years.
Those first three probiotics products along with this amazing Goat Milk Colostrum and a tall glass of purified water help each day to start off just right.
A happy, balanced gut, and calm, yet strong feeling in the abdomen and core area are a true blessing.
Probiotic Supplements are Part of a Perfect Poo Plan
Will quality probiotic supplements help you to poo great?
I say yes! They definitely help me to poo great.
Will the best probiotic supplements help your digestion, bowel function, and physical and mental well-being to all be their very best?
I say yes! They do for me and countless others.
But what are probiotics exactly?
If you are new to probiotics like I once was, read on to find out all about something that will very likely be a huge blessing to you in your journey to better digestion, better bowel function, and better overall health.
Whether you have just recently started to experience digestive irregularities and unwanted symptoms, or you have been suffering with gastrointestinal issues for months, or even years, I am excited to say that there is great hope for real change and a much better tomorrow.
And if you are an old pro when it comes to the knowledge of probiotics and a balanced microbiome, I want to share with you the unique probiotic supplements that have proven to be extremely effective not only for myself, but for countless others.
There are multiple natural solutions that are all important when it comes to returning gut health, digestion, and bowel function to their most optimal state, and maintaining that state, and the use of quality probiotic supplements is definitely one of them.
The other equally important solutions for restoring gastrointestinal function to it's best performance are ...
- Items for gut healing
- Items that assist in properly digesting food
- Items that ensure regularity and great bowel formation
- The absolute best exercise for digestion and bowel health
- Plenty of daily purified water intake
All of which are covered on PooGreat!
The Right Balance of Gut Bacteria
In order for the gut, and digestion, to function properly and be balanced, it must have the intended ratio of good guys to bad guys.
The bad guys in this case are harmful bacteria that we all automatically have present in our digestive tract, and at lower levels, they are kept in check by the good guys, which are beneficial strains of good bacteria.
In a perfect scenario, the good bacteria would always outnumber the bad bacteria and maintain a super healthy environment throughout our intestines and colon.
But unfortunately, our bodies aren't perfect.
Our digestive tracts and gut are inevitably exposed to a number of negative influences, and the bad guys are always looking for an opportunity to rise up and do some damage.
Bacterial imbalance and a resulting lack of good bacteria can be brought on by the overuse of prescription antibiotics, the use of anti-fungals, too much sugar, too much alcohol, too many refined carbohydrates, pesticides, unhealthy processed food ingredients like preservatives, and poor diet in general.
Therefore, the good guys need us to send in the troops and provide some daily reinforcement.
Hence, probiotics to the rescue.
Simply put, probiotics are cultured strains of good bacteria or good yeast, or put another way, healthy bacteria or healthy yeast.
They populate the intestinal tract and are extremely influential in effecting healthy digestion, bowel function, and best immune system function.
We're talking about healthy, living micro-organisms that have the ability to provide healing to the gastrointestinal tract, and fuel for it's proper function.
Therefore, some extremely well-trusted supplement companies have dedicated years to researching the various strains of good bacteria/probiotics in order to develop and make available the seven best probiotic supplements that I am going to recommend to you below.
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Let's Eat Some Dirt
No really, let's eat some dirt. Healthy dirt, that is.
My number one probiotic formula recommendation below, Primal Defense Ultra, contains soil-based organisms, which are also referred to as homeostatic soil organisms.
Wait. Homey said what?
Things in this world have peculiar names, don't they?
Anyways, we'll just refer to them as soil-based organisms for now to keep things easier.
Soil based organisms, as it pertains to probiotics, and the soil-based organism ingredients in my favorite probiotic supplement, are simply healthy bacteria that live in and are sourced from the dirt.
Primal Defense Ultra is the proclaimed ultimate broad-spectrum probiotic formula. It provides 15 billion live cells in a daily serving amount, and 13 species of healthy cultures.
And I can't say that I disagree that it is the ultimate probiotic formula. It truly is. Primal Defense Ultra has been my foundational probiotic supplement that I have taken now every single day for over twenty years.
My support for the product is not only based on the factual details of the product, but equally as important, based on the amazing effect it has had on my gut health and overall physical and mental health over so many years.
I've experienced increased energy, mental clarity, better bowel movements, curbed cravings, and better sleep!
And combined with three other important probiotic supplements - Bacillus Coagulans, Flora-Balance, and Grassfed Intestines, as well as the miraculous Triphala for regularity, and some daily trampoline fun, my bowel function has never been better.
My ability to PooGreat is full speed ahead. Thank you God.
So, without further ado and boring details about technical explanations or this or that, directly below you will find the seven best probiotic supplements for a happy gut, each with thorough details about it's specific benefits.
And if you like what you have discovered in this section, and feel it has been useful, please share it with others and feel free to leave a comment or question below.
Let me know how your journey to better health is going!
The 7 Best Probiotic Supplements
If there was only one probiotic supplement I could recommend, Primal Defense Ultra would be it.
And I am not alone. Countless numbers of people feel the same way. There are always exceptions, but in general, this product really is the best probiotic product available, in my opinion.
It's broad-spectrum formula has thirteen beneficial species, including homeostatic soil organisms and Saccharomyces boulardii, both of which are hardy organisms that are shelf stable and unaffected by stomach acids.
The fact that it does not need to be refrigerated is a great thing, as it’s ability to survive the digestive system also guarantees it’s survival at room temperature, which is super convenient for traveling.
Users report better digestion, chronic constipation eliminated, diarrhea eliminated, regularity, well formed bowels; peaceful intestines and colon; and gas and bloating eliminated.
Other users report nausea eliminated, stomach cramps eliminated, nervous stomach eliminated, acid reflux reduced, heartburn reduced, leaky gut helped, and Candida overgrowth controlled.
Other users report Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms eliminated, Crohn’s Disease symptoms reduced, Ulcerative Colitis symptoms eliminated, and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth symptoms reduced.
Other users report Autoimmune symptoms reduced, constipation prevented in pregnant women, and colicky babies experiencing relief when taken by a breastfeeding mom.
Other users report eczema eliminated, psoriasis eliminated, acne eliminated, improved skin tone, skin cleared, dermatitis eliminated, fingernail fungus eliminated, and ear infections eliminated.
Other users report urinary tract infections eliminated, yeast infections eliminated and prevented, parasites killed and eliminated, increased energy, improved mood and well-being, clearer thinking, and headaches eliminated.
Other users report fatigue and brain fog eliminated, stress reduced, better sleep, easier time falling asleep, weight loss, colds and flu prevented, respiratory infections prevented, and allergies eliminated.
Other users report food sensitivities and intolerances reduced and eliminated, prevention of digestive issues while traveling, and prevention of traveling related sickness.
I have been using this product daily for over twenty years, and it has been key in my arsenal of digestive supplements. So helpful.
Be sure to check out the huge number of positive testimonials from so many people that this product has helped.
Bacillus Coagulans, also known as Lactobacillus Sporogenes, is a fantastic lactic acid producing probiotic bacteria that does not require refrigeration.
Able to withstand harsh environments, it performs well at resisting and surviving stomach acid to retain it’s potency in the intestines.
The fact that it does not need to be refrigerated is a great thing, as it’s ability to survive the digestive system also guarantees it’s survival at room temperature, which is super convenient for traveling.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), candida overgrowth, and leaky gut are all helped a great deal with Bacillus Coagulans.
It fights the growth of pathogenic microbes, and is an important probiotic strain for the reduction of bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea.
It is great for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, and any autoimmune condition with it’s immuno-modulatory, immune balancing qualities.
It also reduces inflammation, both in the gut as well as other bodily inflammation, like arthritic pain for instance.
It has definitely been a must have part of my probiotic use.
Users report bloating reduced and eliminated, digestion improved, digestive system regulated, stomach pain and discomfort eliminated, constipation eliminated, and diarrhea eliminated.
Other users report loose stools corrected, bowel transit time improved, gas eliminated, indigestion eliminated, acid reflux relieved, bowel regularity, less fatigue, and more energy.
Other users report feeling more alert, feeling fantastic, feeling happy, mental fog eliminated, yeast infections eliminated, skin improved, acne eliminated, and rosacea eliminated.
Other users report allergies relieved, pain and inflammation dramatically reduced, gut inflammation reduced, and food intolerances eliminated.
Other users report the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome reduced, the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease dramatically reduced, and the symptoms of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth reduced.
Other users report the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis reduced, the healing of leaky gut assisted, and Candida overgrowth controlled and eliminated.
One woman reports that she can now enjoy chocolate and coffee again as a result of this product.
Dogs too! One woman reported that her dog’s regular bouts of diarrhea are completely eliminated using this product, and another woman reports that it has done wonders for her dog’s irritable digestive system.
Flora-Balance is a very special probiotic strain which also helps to control candida by repopulating the gut with a specific pathogen fighting bacteria discovered in Iceland.
The fact that it does not need to be refrigerated is a great thing, as it’s ability to survive the digestive system also guarantees it’s survival at room temperature, which is super convenient for traveling.
It has been one of my staple supplements for over twenty years, and like Candex, I notice the difference any time that I run out.
The use of candida controlling supplements long term for maintenance is important, especially when sugar and carbohydrates are consumed in the diet.
This unique, very popular spore-based probiotic blend, backed by multiple medical studies, is one of my favorite probiotic products because it’s spore-based properties ensure 100% survival as it is digested and passes through the stomach.
Because it is so stable and has such complete survivability, it also does not require refrigeration, so it’s perfect for traveling.
It is known to be a very effective supplement to include when healing leaky gut, and a remarkable number of people testify that this supplement helped them resolve many issues when nothing else would.
It has the powerful combination of Bacillus indicus HU36, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus clausii, and Bacillus subtilis HU58, all four of which are selected because they all survive digestion and effectively deliver healthy bacteria to the small intestine so well.
Additionally, Bacillus indicus HU36 is a special patented strain that produces antioxidants in the gut, where they are best absorbed by the body.
Users report digestion improved and normalized, all digestive issues gone, quality and consistency of bowel movements improved, constipation gone, diarrhea gone, and constant explosive diarrhea eliminated.
Other users report bloating eliminated, nausea eliminated, gas eliminated, regularity achieved, regularity achieved and energy increased for a woman who didn’t even realize she had a regularity problem, and healthy stool color restored.
Other users report cramping eliminated, abdominal inflammation gone, abdominal soreness and discomfort eliminated, horrible life-long stomach aches after eating gone for good, and acid reflux eliminated.
Other users report Irritable Bowel Syndrome dramatically improved, Ulcerative Colitis improved, Gastritis symptoms eliminated, Crohn’s Disease symptoms eliminated, and major improvement for many with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth.
Other users report leaky gut eliminated, candida overgrowth eliminated, wheat sensitivity gone, gluten intolerance gone, all food sensitivities completely gone, and a return to eating all foods with no problems.
Other users report being able to enjoy ice cream again without issues, indigestion gone, food cravings controlled, nutrient absorption increased, and food related headaches gone.
Other users report eczema cured, acne eliminated, psoriasis healed, warts eliminated, dry skin eliminated, yeast rash eliminated, other skin issues eliminated, itchy skin gone, red skin gone, and swollen skin gone.
Other users report clear skin, stronger nails; thicker, healthier hair; energy restored, asthma symptoms reduced and eliminated, immune system strengthened and recovered, and colds and infections avoided and resisted.
Other users report the flu resisted and avoided, help with chronic urinary tract infections related to interstitial cystitis,
improved mood, increased focus, emotional responses improved, mental health improved, and less anxiety.
Other users report better sleep, weight loss, improvement for children, and improved bowel health, behavior, and sleep in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Another user reported that her dog with stomach cancer had his lack of appetite completely restored after giving him Just Thrive.
Grassfed Intestines is an incredible bovine food supplement that contains intestines, tripe, and naturally occurring probiotics that are all key to promoting a healthy gut, and healing one that is compromised.
It supports healthy digestion, stomach health, and also aids in the natural healing of the lining of the gut, making it an important supplement in treating leaky gut and other gut related conditions.
Users report healing of the gut, improved regularity, more complete bowel movements, solid and firm bowel movements, the elimination of constipation, and the elimination of diarrhea.
Other users report better digestion, the elimination of gas, the elimination of bloating, the elimination of heartburn and acid reflux, calmness in the gut, no more burping, and weight regulation.
Other users report a better mood, calmness, the elimination of anxiety, a clear brain, increased energy, the elimination of bodily inflammation, deeper sleep, clear skin, and more.
Grassfed Intestines is derived from 100% New Zealand grass-fed and grass-finished cows, and is hormone, pesticide, and GMO-free, with absolutely no fillers.
It's 100% freeze dried, non-defatted, third party tested for purity, and allergen free.
This company and it's entire line of organ products are nothing short of amazing, and I highly recommend them.
Many, many people are having life changing results, so be sure to check out the countless number of positive testimonials.
I take this product every day, and it continues to help keep my intestines and gut healthy, and my digestion and bowels functioning properly, and so much more.
This is another one of my favorite probiotic blends.
FloraMend is a proprietary blend of 5 billion live cells of three special strains which are Lactobacillus gasseri KS-13, Bifidobacterium longum MM-2, and Bifidobacterium bifidum G9-1.
Many people who have had negative experiences with other probiotic products have had success with this one and said how gentle it was on their system.
In particular, a lot of people report that it reduces bloating and digestive discomfort in a way that no other product has.
It also supports weight management, which the specific strain of Lactobacillus gasseri is known to help regulate.
It’s dairy-free, stable at room temperature, and fully survives stomach acid protecting it’s integrity until it is received and put to work in the gut.
Thorne is an excellent, highly regarded company.
This probiotic product is designed specifically for those who have histamine issues, including histamine issues that are triggered by food intolerances. Too much histamine and sensitivity to histamine can both cause unwanted symptoms.
Probiota HistaminX is a special formula that contains only probiotic strains that are “histamine friendly”, as they do not produce or increase histamine in the gut like other probiotic strains do, and in addition, should help to minimize and eliminate histamine issue symptoms.
The product is also delivered in a delayed release acid resistant capsule which ensures that the probiotic strains reach the lower digestive tract intact so they can be properly utilized.
Users report a reduction in histamine reactions, histamine issues completely eliminated, digestion improved, constipation eliminated, bloating eliminated, and stomach pain and discomfort eliminated.
Other users report food intolerances and sensitivities eliminated, dairy intolerance reduced, acne cleared, eczema cleared, skin rashes eliminated, hives eliminated, itchy skin eliminated, and inflamed skin eliminated.
Other users report yeast infections prevented, inflammation reduced, sickness prevented, seasonal allergies reduced, runny nose eliminated, and itchy watery eyes eliminated.
Other users report oral health improved, stronger teeth, throat swelling from mold resistance eliminated, and nausea from morning sickness with pregnancy reduced.